Please read through the information below, and complete your Free Trial session registration via the yellow button at the end
If you have previous experience with either Olympic Weightlifting or Powerlifting, or have completed a Technique Intro with us, you’re welcome to join us for a Free Trial lifting session during our Coaching Hours to check out the gym!
Not sure what Coaching Hours are? Think of them almost like office hours for your lifting. While we do call them “classes”, and it’s still a group training environment, they are not like traditional group fitness classes where a coach leads everyone through the workout together. Rather, you’ll be in charge of your own warm-up and you’ll work through the programming at your own pace while a coach is there to provide coaching and feedback.
To get the most out of the Free Trial, and have the best possible experience, a basic understanding of the lifts/terminology and how to perform them is required before joining us in Coaching Hours. Don’t feel you’re quite there yet? No problem! Just reach out to us about getting set up with a Technique Intro first.
We do require reservations before coming in, and after you sign-up with the link below, you’ll have access to our schedule where you can select your day/time to come in.