
Membership Options

Reach out to get started with us!

“Premium” Weightlifting


● Unlimited sessions per month.
● 5 Day/Week programming included
● 24/7 access to the gym with HybridAF

“Pro” Weightlifting


● Up to 3 Coaching Hours sessions per week + unlimited Open Gym.
● 3 day or 5 Day/Week programming included
● 24/7 access to the gym with HybridAF app

“Standard” Weightlifting


● Limited to 15 check-ins per month only. Both open gym sessions and Coaching Hours sessions count towards the 15 sessions.
● 3 Day/Week programming included.
● 24/7 access to the gym with HybridAF app

“Premium” Powerlifting


● Unlimited sessions per month
● 5 Day/Week programming
● 24/7 access to the gym with HybridAF

“Standard” Powerlifting


● Limited to 15 sessions per month. Both open gym sessions and Coaching Hours sessions count towards the 15 sessions.
● 3 Day/Week programming
● 24/7 access to the gym with HybridAF

Open Gym


● Unlimited open gym sessions per month
● Access to Open Gym times only
● No programming included
● Optional “Open Gym Plus” add-on that includes 5 Coaching Hours sessions per month + Programming

Remote Coaching


– Customized programming
● Weekly video reviews with feedback
● 1x per month DBC gym access during Coaching Hours

Online Programming

Starts at $15/Month

Punch Cards

Punch Card - 10 Pack


Punch Card - 15 Pack


Punch Card - 20 Pack



One Day Only


Two Days


Three Days


Week Long
